This week there were eight Americans and two of us from the UK and the prospect of another win looked a possibility as there was no Steve Brogan to get past. As the tournament starts at such a late hour, I had already consumed two barrels of German beer which is traditional and my head was feeling suitably fired up. It all started very badly for the Europeans as my fellow Brit Jeff hit the rail before I had time to drink my first tournament beer. Oh well, it's down to me now I thought. I passed a few early hands and then looked down at pocket Aces. Mmmm let's see what I can do with these. I was in middle position and fired in a standard raise and was called by 'Shitman' on the Big Blind. Now a raise is a show of strength from me as I don't bluff early position and certainly not this early in a tournament. the flop came down 99x and I kept firing until all the chips were in the middle. Shitman turned over Jack 9 off suit and that was it for me. A bad call which sent me into a blind alcohol fuelled rage. I joined a fellow Tweeter Street3 who had fallen asleep and missed the event and played a very enjoyable heads up with him after we had wiped the floor with 4 other players. He ended up sucking out on me but hell I don't mind as I did similar to him a few weeks ago. Nice one Street3 !!
Saturday afternoon was FA Cup final day and it started very well for Everton and the neutral spectator, and everyone else who despises Chavski and their rancid collection of brutish fuckers. Louis Saha fired in a cracker which was the fastest goal in FA Cup Final history. A fantastic start to a game that was to turn into a big damp squib. By the time that Lumpturd fired in the winner I was reaching for the sick bag. Someone tweeted 'Plate faced twat' which really summed it up for me and I smiled. I switched over to Scottish Cup Final as soon as the final whistle went and am glad to say that I haven't yet seen one image of their celebrations. I am still not convinced that the new Wembley is the great arena it should have been and Setanta's coverage is certainly never going to compete with Sky. Big damp squib is my overriding summary of a cup final that will live in the memory as long as Susan Boyle's singing.
Well done to Diversity for winning 'Britain's Got Talent' and well done to the Scottish weather for giving us the opportunity of a Sunday afternoon barbecue. Time for some serious eating and drinking........
Thanks for the mention. Am I really that scary? I hope so. lol.